I’m going to say something crazy! You’re not going to believe me. But I’m going to say it…
This is probably the greatest song ever written.
Ok that IS crazy, you’re right. MAYBE it’s not! But it is definitely in MY personal top five songs of all time.
I remember the first time I heard it, I wanted to hear it a thousand times over. It was the most beautiful song I had ever heard. The melody is so pretty and the lyrics paint the most painful picture. Every time I hear the lines:
“When we meet on a cloud, I’ll be laughing out loud. I’ll be laughing at everyone I see. Can’t believe, how strange it is to be anything at all".”
I cry. At least a little bit! At least inside my brain, I cry. I brain cry. Really hard. So hard in fact, that sometimes actual tears come out of my eyes. Every time.
In all seriousness (lol), this song is very important to me and if you haven’t heard it, go listen to the actual song first, then come and listen to my silly, jokey version that I recorded on my cell phone.
I usually put all the songs behind the paywall but I’m going to give this one away for free because I think everyone should know every word to this song!
In case you forgot, over the course of the next month I’ll be recording every song off of In The Airplane Over The Sea on my cellphone and sharing it here! If you wanna keep up with that, smash that subscribe button. Or just lightly push it, we don’t have to always smash it!
Here ya go:
Fucking killed it, my favorite song on the album and you did amazing!